I created this as a testament to how my peers and I govern (and continuously aspire to govern) ourselves in work and in life through the PM lens. I believe in being compassionately defiant and gracefully militant about the lives and careers we want, and I hope this manifesto helps you boldly embody that, too.
Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.
I can rely on those around me when I need help in work or life. I trust myself, and feel safe to trust in those around me.
I am proud of my ability to set boundaries, enforce them, and care for myself afterward.
I am confident in my time management skills and ability to expertly manage expectations. I make clean decisions for myself and know how to navigate hesitation or doubt.
I do work I enjoy that aligns with, and thrives when I embody, my core values. I am able to utilize my favorite skills regularly. This happens either through my current role or
through opportunities I've built in to my day-to-day.
I consistently make time to process my thoughts, experiences, and emotions pertaining to my work and life. The self-care protocols I have in place work for me. I have scheduled time set aside for them, and I utilize this time with no exceptions.
I am confident in my technical PM skills, and I bridge skill gaps by creating or finding opportunities for exposure and practice.
I am confident in my interpersonal PM skills. This is where I show my heart.
I feel confident about my personal brand. Either I know what to do, or I pull in the professional who does.
My area of expertise is project management and I am ever-evolving, growing, ebbing and flowing.
Any additional expertise I pursue is out of genuine personal interest. I do not need additional areas of subject matter expertise in order to be of value to the profession.
I like the way I talk to myself. My inner voice is compassionate, understanding, uplifting, and real. I know how to create what I want for myself.
My worth is not determined or affected by my title, salary, employment status, certifications, work outcomes, productivity, or how much I can handle. I do not need to
demonstrate or prove my resilience, for it is already evidenced by my existence and my drive to live the best life I can.
I am aligned, equipped, resourceful, supported, iterative, and unstoppable.